Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 24: Wandering

I woke up this morning and stayed in bed reading for a long time. Diane and I then went out for some breakfast and to do some errands. Breakfast was at the coffee bar down the street that Diane attends daily; and when our bus came before she paid, she waved to indicate, I'll pay tomorrow. We got on the bus towards the Spanish Steps. From there, we walked to the gallery where her photos are being shown and sold. The show is coming down, so they talked about which should stay, which are in the process of being sold, etc. We took two of the photos to the framer around the corner so they could switch which one was framed.

We then went to the hotel down the street. Recently, the hotel bought one of Diane's pieces for each room, and several for the hallways. It was beautiful. We went down the street to the big shopping area; today started the summer sale in Rome. We bought some shoes, and then I headed back to the house. I meandered; taking some photos, avoiding big streets, and getting lost. After buying some fruit and vegetables and at the local stand, I returned to the apartment. Elliot, who's 18, was home with his friend Leo. Elliot made a delicious lunch, and we ate and watched Germany destroy Argentina. After the game, they left for the beach, and I took a nap.

When I woke up, I grabbed my camera and went out. The Coliseum is just down the road, so I headed in that direction. When I got there, however, I had no interest in taking photos of the sites. Instead, I wanted to take photos of the tourists. I walked around, mostly taking photos of tourists posing for pictures. When I got tired, I headed back. Julian, the older son, was home with his friend Tom.

We hung around, and I skyped some people, and then it was time for the next game. I made a salad, and ate dinner and watched the game. When it was over, I went to bed.

1 comment:

  1. jealous that you're in europe for the world cup. the energy over there must be 10x what it is here...i'm tired of watching games and people complaining because there aren't enough commercials to take breaks...
